Christmas Concert Raffle
As we step into 2025 with hope, confidence and unstoppable energy, the Parents Association
would like to wish you all 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of positivity and 365 days of
endless inspiration. But firstly, we would like to give our sincere thanks for your unwavering
support for the Christmas Concert raffle. An outstanding €4,132.95 was raised for much
needed funding for our school through the raffle. This will hugely benefit the school and our
children throughout the year. Examples of the use of these monies this year include: reduced
cost for parents for swimming lessons as the PA funding subsidises the swimming cost,
Christmas decoration treat for children, Ice-Cream van on Sports Day, Communion and
Confirmation party and treats, treat for the choir for singing in Nursing Homes and for
Communion and Confirmation celebrations. Treats for Communion and Confirmation
classes, Sports activities from coach James-6 week block throughout the year for all classes,
Ongoing additions to the Friendship Squad equipment (for the yard), specifically this year the
addition of Giant Lego blocks and XXL polydrons, Teas and coffees for parents and
grandparents at school functions such as Christmas Concert and Grandparents Day, additional
resources for classrooms.
The generosity and support were truly amazing. We were delighted to have more parents who
joined the Parents Association to help us on the day of the Concert, it was wonderful to have
their support. Thanks to everyone who baked the wonderful trays of Christmas cake, biscuit
cake, scones, buns etc I'm sure you will all agree the hospitality and catering on the day was
fantastic. Also thank you to anyone who dropped in packaged biscuits, mince pies etc
everything was appreciated. The generosity and kindness of the sponsors and businesses was
once again truly amazing. We have attached a poster of some of the sponsors but apologies in
advance if we missed anyone. As you will appreciate it was a busy time but also thank you to
everyone who dropped in donations to the school office. Thankfully every child got to enjoy
a well deserved selection box on the last day after their wonderful performances at the School
concert. I think some adults got to enjoy them at the concert also!!
The Parents Association are holding a meeting next week. We have a full agenda already to
discuss for the coming months. So keep checking website for updates. If there is anything
you would like us to consider for our meeting please contact the school or committee member
in advance.
Finally, we the Parents Association and on behalf of the parents and guardians of the school
would like to thank Mrs.Lee, the teachers, Charlie and all the staff for all your support for the
Christmas Concert . Thank you all for providing our families with a wonderful Christmas
Concert that we all enjoyed. The hard work and weeks of preparation with our children was
really outstanding. Thank you so much.
Enjoy the frosty weather all and remember we are always welcoming new Parents to join us.
From Parents Association
Four Masters National School, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim | Phone: 071 9841123